MAHALO NUI LOA to everyone for your support and generosity,
and for making 2016 our most successful fundraising effort to date! We raised $7,155!!!
and for making 2016 our most successful fundraising effort to date! We raised $7,155!!!
![]() Over the past 15 years, the Ke Akua Youth Group and ladies of the ECW have teamed up together to raise funds for the American Cancer Society's Relay for Life on Kaua'i. The events have taken place in Hanapepe and also on the north shore, although Hanapepe is decidedly the team's favorite and where they have been participating for the past several years.
Each year they have topped their fundraising goals, and in 2016, raised over $7,100, smashing the previous year's total. They work hard raising funds through bake sales, food concessions, rummage sales and luminaria sales. Active fundraising begins in December and runs up through the event date which takes place in April or May. 2016 - Theme: Paint Our World Purple (International)
2016 was an international theme, and teams were assigned a certain country to "Paint Our World Purple"! All Saints' Angels got Belgium and sold Belgian waffle donuts and Trappist root"beer" floats! This was their most ambitious fundraising event to date, setting a new record of $7,155, eclipsing the previous year's record of $5,500!
2014 - Theme: Super Heroes
In 2014, our gang raised over $5,000 for the American Cancer Society and took home the best costume trophy! Thanks to Grace Yatsko for her idea of the Spongebob Squarepants super heroes theme, and to all of the youth, ECW ladies, their families and members who supported this effort!
JOIN THE TEAM!If you'd like to support the effort, stay tuned for notices in the e-news, Facebook postings, and announcements in church for upcoming fundraisers. You'll have a chance to purchase baked goods, food, donate/spend at a rummage sale, or purchase a luminaria that is lit at the event in honor or memory of someone who had cancer..
If you'd like to be an active member of the team, please e-mail Sybil Nishioka or Diane Sato. They will let you know when and how to sign up online. Team members are asked to:
2015 - Theme: The 80s!
Who ya gonna call? CANCER BUSTERS!!! Yes, the All Saints' Angels picked the Ghost Buster's movie as their 80s theme, and dressed the part! They also raised almost $5,500 for the cause!
2013 - Theme: Block Buster Movies
In 2013, the All Saints' Angels stole the show with a choreographed dance lap that captured the trophy! The youth girls came straight from prom just in time to win the contest and then walk all night long... now that's commitment!